Partners in Passion
The Town of Innisfil & OLG
Innisfil Community Foundation is committed to fostering partnerships within our community because we were created from partnerships with The Town of Innisfil and the Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation (OLG).
Since 2002, OLG has provided the Town of Innisfil with funds to support community projects. In 2013, Innisfil Town Council asked the question:
“How can the OLG’s generosity make
a bigger impact on the community?”
Town Council decided to take the first steps in creating a community foundation, transferring a portion of the OLG money into a reserve fund for the future.
The fund grew over the years, and in 2018, Town Council appointed three incredible community leaders as the Foundation’s first Board of Directors: Sandra Rizzardo, Howard Courtney and Anne Kell. Anne Smith was appointed as Treasurer in 2019.

In 2019, Town Council committed to sharing OLG’s contributions with Innisfil Community Foundation for the first five years of its operations. This seed funding is unprecedented for a municipality and will help Innisfil Community Foundation make an immediate impact in the community.
Thanks to the vision of Innisfil Town Council, and to OLG’s commitment to giving back in the communities it operates in, Innisfil Community Foundation is well positioned to drive change in Innisfil. We value these partnerships and refer to them as a shining example to show our community how we can achieve more together.

Community Foundations of Canada
Innisfil Community Foundation is proud to be a member of Community Foundations of Canada (CFC). Working with CFC and community foundations from coast to coast, we help drive local solutions on the issues that matter the most.