Innisfil Community Foundation: Community Round Up

Community Round Up – Feb. 12, 2021

This weekly round-up shares the latest from Innisfil Community Foundation (ICF), updates from our grantees, and news from across our community.

The latest from ICF

Grantee Updates

Community News

  • Missing ICE Corp’s annual polar bear dip? Challenge yourself and your friends to “Freeze for the Food Bank”.
    Step 1: Donate to the Innisfil Community Food Bank
    Step 2: Dress up and take a video of yourself doing a snow angel
    Step 3: Upload your video to ICE Corp’s facebook page and challenge your friends to do the same!
  • The Rotary Club of Innisfil was looking to help our community in this difficult time. Rotarian Sue had an idea and asked: What about the women who are struggling to afford hygiene products?  Rotarians put their hands into their pockets and contributed $1,130 to purchase much-needed products that are now on the shelves of the Innisfil Food Bank. A huge thank-you to Troy at Foodland in Stroud to make the purchase as economically as possible.

If you have a story that you would like us to share, please email