This weekly round-up shares the latest from Innisfil Community Foundation (ICF), updates from our grantees, and news from across our community.
The latest from ICF
- We hinted at this last week, and now we’re happy to share more information about the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative to provide $1,386,780 to transform public spaces in response to COVID-19 within the Central Eastern Ontario Region.
- Organizations are invited to apply for funding between $5,000 and $250,000 to lead projects that help create safe and vibrant public spaces, improve mobility options, and provide digital solutions to help their neighbourhoods or communities navigate the pandemic and look to build back better in the COVID-19 recovery. This could include projects that adapt crosswalks and access to public transport to allow for safe physical distancing, the creation of community gardens, and art installations, and free wifi in targeted public spaces. A variety of community-led organizations are eligible to apply on Community Foundations of Canada’s online application portal, including local governments, charities, Indigenous communities, and registered non-profit organizations.
Grantee Updates
- Looking for a last minute Valentine’s Day gift that will be a nice treat for a loved one and support one of your favourite charities? We’ve got you covered:
RVH Foundation
Think outside the gift box this year and make a charitable donation to RVH in support of patient care, which includes being able to send a heartfelt e-card to someone special!
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
Buy your someone special a ticket to Spinal Cord Injury Ontario’s Virtual Ski & Snowboard Day. The event, taking place on February 25, is a night of laughter and storytelling, with proceeds helping neighbours in your community recover and rebuild after a spinal cord injury.
Community News
- Missing ICE Corp’s annual polar bear dip? Challenge yourself and your friends to “Freeze for the Food Bank”.
Step 1: Donate to the Innisfil Community Food Bank
Step 2: Dress up and take a video of yourself doing a snow angel
Step 3: Upload your video to ICE Corp’s facebook page and challenge your friends to do the same!
- The Rotary Club of Innisfil was looking to help our community in this difficult time. Rotarian Sue had an idea and asked: What about the women who are struggling to afford hygiene products? Rotarians put their hands into their pockets and contributed $1,130 to purchase much-needed products that are now on the shelves of the Innisfil Food Bank. A huge thank-you to Troy at Foodland in Stroud to make the purchase as economically as possible.
If you have a story that you would like us to share, please email