Today, doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, administrators, paramedics, infection prevention and control personnel, and cleaning staff, are our first line of defence against the spread of COVID-19. At Stevenson Memorial Hospital – like all hospitals around the world – these unsung heroes are doing their utmost to screen, treat, and care for our community under the most challenging of circumstances, while quickly adapting to continue caring for our acute and Emergency patients, as they prepare for an influx of COVID-19 patients.
Stevenson Memorial Hospital receives close to 3,000 visits from Innisfil residents each year. To best protect staff and patients, Innisfil Community Foundation granted funds to purchase a Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) as part of our COVID-19 Relief Grants.
The PAPR device can be used instead of N95 masks, is easily sanitized, and is critical to protect staff when there is a shortage of masks. A PAPR is a battery-powered blower that provides positive airflow through a filter, cartridge, or canister to a hood or face piece. This respirator protects staff from contaminated air. Stevenson Memorial Hospital will use this device to protect staff in the Operating Room and Emergency Department for procedures that are Aerosol Generating Medical Procedures, which places staff at higher risk of acquiring infections, such as COVID-19.