There are so many good things happening in and around Innisfil. We want to keep you connected, which is why we put together this community round-up sharing the latest from Innisfil Community Foundation (ICF), updates from our grantees, and news from across our community.
The latest from ICF
- Our Board of Directors presented a 2020 Impact Report at the Town of Innisfil’s Council meeting this week. (See the video on YouTube – our part starts about 8 minutes in.) We were grateful for the opportunity to highlight some of the charities we have supported, while thanking our partners at the Town of Innisfil and the Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation for their continued support and generosity. When we prepared to launch ICF this year, little did we know that our first year in operation would be during a global pandemic! We’re grateful to Town Council for establishing ICF so that we are here to support our community through COVID-19. We’re proud to share that we made close to $180,000 in grants to charities serving our community this year. Stay tuned for more granting announcements as we find even more ways to support Innisfil in 2021.
Grantee Updates
- CMHA is offering another free community workshop on Tuesday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m. The session will provide practical support in identifying held stress in the body and will provide proactive tools to help you better understand your mental health and how it relates to your breath and body. Register today!
- RVH’s Angel Tree Campaign is on now through December 23rd. When you make a mimimum $10 donation and provide a message in honour of a loved one, the RVH team will place your message with an angel ornament on the RVH Angel Tree in the main lobby.
Community News
- Innisfil Pride is holding a free Christmas Dinner for those in need on Saturday, December 19th at 5:00 p.m. at Grange Hall (931 Church Street, Lefroy). The dinner is fully supported by local donations. To help, reach out to 416-837-8325 or email
If you have a story that you would like us to share, please email