The family of Police Constable Devon Northrup established a memorial fund in loving memory of Devon to honour his service and the ultimate sacrifice he made in the line of duty on October 11, 2022 at the age of 33.

Orillia, ON – The Devon Northrup Memorial Fund is pleased to award two grants to Georgian College and the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation.  

The family of Police Constable Devon Northrup established a memorial fund in loving memory of Devon to honour his service and the ultimate sacrifice he made in the line of duty on October 11, 2022 at the age of 33.

Constable Northrup was a beloved partner, son, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, and friend to many. He was a cherished member of the South Simcoe Police Service who accomplished much during his six years as an officer through his work in specialized units and commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.

Two student awards have been named in his honour at Georgian College – The Constable Devon Northrup Community Mental Health Impact Award and The Constable Devon Northrup Memorial Award.

Students enrolled in the Georgian College Police Foundations Program and the Georgian College Honours Bachelor of Counselling Psychology Program are eligible for the awards. Twelve students will receive financial assistance over the course of three years through these awards, in Constable Northrup’s memory.

“The Northrup family is grateful to the Innisfil Community Foundation, for making The Devon Northrup Memorial Fund possible, as a means of continuing Devon’s legacy of helping others. We are excited to be here to witness the first grant presentations from Devon’s Memorial Fund,” said the Northrup Family.

“These grants will provide financial assistance to Georgian College students in the Police Foundations Program, and the Honours Bachelor of Counselling Psychology Program; and will provide the Royal Victoria Hospital’s Emergency and Intensive Care Units, with innovative technology to aid in patient care. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of our donors, without whom we would not be here today to see Devon’s name live on in these good works. He would have been humbled to know his role in this. Thank you all so very much.”

The Devon Northrup Memorial Fund is purchasing an innovative new device for the Royal Victoria Hospital’s Emergency and Intensive Care units. The Tobii Dynavox (TD) Pilot device is a medically approved eye-controlled communication device, used to provide a means for patients with severe speech and motor impairments to communicate effectively with healthcare providers and their loved ones while at RVH.

Utilizing state-of-the-art eye-tracking technology, the TD Pilot enables patients to control a speech-generating device using only their eye movements, thereby granting them a voice throughout their medical care.

“Our sickest patients, who otherwise literally have no voice, are now able to communicate because of the generosity of the ICF Devon Northrup Memorial Fund,” said Pamela Ross, CEO of RVH Foundation.  “Our ICU patients can now be active participants in their care.  It’s a game changer for patients and our ICU care teams.”

“We are pleased to play a role in honouring Constable Devon Northrup’s legacy by awarding these special grants in his memory,” says Sandra Rizzardo, Chair, Innisfil Community Foundation Board of Directors. “Many students at Georgian College and patients at RVH will benefit in the years to come from this immense generosity.”

About the Devon Northrup Memorial Fund

The family of Police Constable Devon Northrup established a memorial fund in loving memory of Devon to honour his service and the ultimate sacrifice he made in the line of duty on October 11, 2022 at the age of 33.

One of Devon’s passions was the annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run also known as the “Run to Remember.” Devon took on the role of team captain for the South Simcoe run team and was an annual participant in the run from Toronto to Ottawa which honours officers who gave their lives protecting their communities. Tragically, Devon is now recognized among those fallen heroes, and his name added to the Canadian Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial on Parliament Hill.

To continue Devon’s legacy, donations can be made here:
